iseng2 lagi ngetumblr terus nemu quotes baguuus banget, pas gue buka blog nya ternyata isinya tuh tentang aturan2 buat cowo biar jadi gentle, dan itutuh gak sedikit ada 200an lebih gitu -_- tp itu gak semuanya dari admin nya, ada juga orang2 lain yang ngasih usul. tapi gak cuman the rules of gentleman daong, the rules of ladies nya juga ada tp yang ini baru 100an.
LADIES GENTLEMAN kalo mau liat yang lebih lengkap bisa di klik. kalo gue lebih suka yang gentleman ofc. isinya tuh bener2 yang gue pgn bangeet tp bukan berarti gue gak suka sama cowo gue yang sekarang -_- hdy maaah buat gue udah yg plng beeest hehe. banyak banget rules nya yang gue suka kaya yang ini
"Don't date the most beautiful girl in the world, date the girl who makes your world most beautiful"
"if she worries about you, it just mean she cares. but when she stop caring, that's when you should worried"
"don't tell her you love her, if you have another girl by your side"
"tell her nobody's perfect, but she is as perfect as they come"
"always keep the balace betweet obsession and apathy. make her feel important but give her some space when sehe needs it."
"tell her all your sweet memories together. she'll be smiling all day long knowing that you remember every single moment you're together"
"don't tell her you love her is forever unless you have no doubt it is"
"hold her while she cries, nothing feel better"
"a gentleman never hits a girl. ever"
"your girlfriend is not the prettiest of them all, because in your eyes, she should be the only one who is pretty"